Posts tagged Stephen Roach
Makers and Mystics | Live In Boulder, Colorado

This episode offers a preview of the types of panels we'll be hosting at The Breath and The Clay 2025. It includes a live conversation with Grammy Award-winning singer/songwriter Victory Boyd, gospel recording artist Leeland Mooring, visual artist and curator Corey Frey, and podcast host Stephen Roach."

This conversation was recorded live at the Resound Creative Arts event in Boulder, Colorado.

Reserve Your Spot at The Breath and The Clay March 21-23 in Winston Salem, NC.

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S14 Reclaiming Wonder Finale with Stephen Roach

In the season 14 finale of Makers and Mystics, Stephen Roach reflects on the theme of reclaiming wonder. Drawing from personal stories, spiritual insights, and the wisdom shared by this season’s guests, Stephen examines how we can rediscover awe and beauty in our everyday lives, even in a world that often feels disconnected from the miraculous.

Stephen closes the episode with a thought-provoking insight: Wonder is not just an experience; it’s an invitation. It’s the residue of the divine, a call to transformation, and a reminder that we are made for more than survival. When we open ourselves to wonder, we become what we behold and begin to see the possibility for beauty and meaning in every corner of life.

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The Value of A Dream with Stephen Roach (Recorded Live in Urbana Illinois)

In this live talk, recorded at the Audiofeed Festival in Urbana, Illinois, Stephen Roach encourages listeners that the value of a dream is not contingent upon its coming to pass. The value of a dream, he says, is in the dreaming.

For anyone, who has grappled with the death of a dream or the pain of letting go, this talk will encourage you that a dream can take many shapes and forms and that nothing is wasted.

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S13 E01: An Introduction to Community and Culture with Stephen Roach

This cultural moment may be one of history’s most interesting times to find home among a community of likeminded people with whom we identify. On the one hand we are more connected than we ever have been (thank you internet) and yet at the same time, people feel more disconnected than ever before. Isolation and loneliness have become an epidemic. So much so, in May of 2023, the surgeon general put out a statement calling isolation and loneliness a public health crisis. 

In this introductory episode, podcast host Stephen Roach sets the stage for this season’s conversations and discusses how the artist can respond to the need for community and become an agent of healing for our culture.

Build community with us at The Breath and The Clay March 22-24 in Winston Salem, NC

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S12 Finale: Detachment and Desire with Stephen Roach

This season. On the podcast, we have featured quite an array of perspectives on this topic of art and identity. We've talked about how family and heritage informs our sense of self. We've discussed how our belief systems, our childhood memories, even the places we live, each contribute to our identity. We talked about how our bodies, our ethnicity, our relationships to others, our vocations, and of course, how the creative works we make each become identity markers for how we show up in the world. We even discussed the role of emerging technology and how social media shapes the way we think of ourselves and of others.

In this season finale episode, podcast host, Stephen Roach shares how desire informs our sense of self and how the practice of detachment can help us navigate the journey from a false self to embracing our true identity as the beloved of God.

EPISODE SPONSOR: Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary is offering a Doctor of Ministry degree in The Arts, Ministry, and Mission as a part of a new initiative in theology, the arts, and gospel witness. Follow this link to learn more and apply.

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S12 Bonus: Artist's Roundtable: Live at Loom

This Artist’s roundtable discussion was recorded live at Loom creative arts event in Spruce Pines, NC. The conversation centers on the importance of building creative community, the embodiment of the creative process and what it means to be an artist of faith amidst a culture in crisis.

Joining us for this discussion is long time friend of the podcast, author/illustrator Vesper Stamper, photographer and founder of JHS pedals Josh Scott, conversation host Corey Frey and myself, Stephen Roach.

As we prepare for The Breath and Clay 2024 I wanted to share this live discussion to highlight some of the vital community discussions we will be hosting.

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S12 Bonus: Abundance & Scarcity: Live at The Guild

This year I’ve had the opportunity to participate in several creative arts gatherings including Loom, Hope Words writer’s conference and here recently, the Guild in Raleigh NC.

The talk I gave at the Guild is a call to take a look at the mindsets we are cultivating in our lives and a reminder that what we feed is what will grow.  Are we feeding a mindset of abundance or one of scarcity? Is our inner framework one of hope or one of negative anticipation?

I wanted to share this live talk with you as an encouragement to consider how the mindsets we keep determine the quality of art we make and the lives we live.

- Stephen

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S11 E15: Artist's Roundtable P1: Ordinary & Existential

What does transcendence look like for a “post-psychedelic” artist and seeker? How does the notion of transcendence differ for the Jesus follower? Is there a difference between “manufactured” transcendence and one brought about by genuine spiritual encounter?

This Roundtable discussion brings together Canadian author, printmaker and clothing designer, Josh Nadeau, New Zealand folk musician, author and spiritual director Strahan Coleman, Mid-Western artist and writer Ashley Lande and Makers & Mystics host Stephen Roach to explore these questions.

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S11 E03: Artist's Roundtable P1: Longing & Survival

This Roundtable discussion on Art & The Urge For Transcendence, features cultural theologian, author, and fellow podcaster Paul Anleitner (Deep Talks Podcast,) Chicago pastor, Ted Kim and singer/songwriter John Mark McMillan.  

In this loose discussion, the conversation meanders its way to the subject of longing and survival and how these sometimes competing drives can lead us to the doorway of transcendence. 

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S11 E01: Strong Like Water with Aundi Kolber

Aundi Kolber is a licensed professional counselor and author of the critically acclaimed Try Softer. She has received additional training in her specialization of trauma- and body-centered therapies and is passionate about the integration of faith and psychology. As a survivor of trauma, Aundi brings hard-won knowledge about the work of change, the power of redemption, and the beauty of experiencing God with us in our pain.

In this episode Stephen Roach talks with Aundi about her latest book Strong Like Water and how we can move through pain into the expansiveness of our true selves. Aundi shares about the importance of feeling safe in our bodies that we might experience those deeper yearnings for transcendence, beauty, and wonder.

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S10 E15: Restoring The Future (Season Finale)

When we think about restoration, we typically refer to restoring something that once was but no longer is. We mean bringing something back to its original condition that was either altered or strayed from the intended design. But restoration doesn’t necessarily mean going back to something that once was. We can ‘restore the future’ as well.

In this season finale episode, Makers and Mystics host, Stephen Roach discusses what it means to restore the future, what it means for artists to become wounded healers, bridge builders and those who re-story the narratives of our lives to reflect original design.

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S10 E12.5: Artist's Roundtable P2: Re-Creation of Meaning (Fire Dragon Edition)

This episode is Part 2 of the Re-Creation of Meaning Roundtable (The Fire Dragon Edition) featuring John Mark McMillan, Stephen Roach, Vesper Stamper and Brandon Willett.

In this part of the discussion, we talk through:

- self absorption vs. self awareness

- the role of the audience in the artist's creative process.

- meekness and confidence

- Fire Dragons and Jackalopes

- How the intimate reflects the infinite

This Roundtable is the world's first podcast ever to discuss Taylor Swift, Radiohead, Beck, Nick Cave, Miley Cyrus, Madonna, Lady Gaga, Justin Vernon, Jay Z, Kanye, Rick Rubin, Adele, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Johnny Cash, Slayer, James Taylor, Andy Warhol, Robert Rauschenberg, Fire Dragons, Comic Books, David Brooks... All in one episode. Enjoy..

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S10 E12: Artist's Round Table P1: Re-Creation of Meaning

What does Kendrick Lamar, Taylor Swift, Radiohead, Beck, Nick Cave, Miley Cyrus, Madonna, Lady Gaga, Andy Warhol and Mark Rothko have to do with singer/songwriter, John Mark McMillan, art-instigator, Stephen Roach, author/illustrator, Vesper Stamper & visual artist/designer, Brandon Willett? You’ll find out in this Artist’s Round Table.

My guests and I discuss the “Re-creation of Meaning” and what it is like for the artist as he/she gets older, experiences change and seeks to re-invent themselves.

Such re-invention is a vital part of restoring the heart of the artist. Listen in to Part One of this Roundtable discussion and learn why.

*Patrons of the podcast can listen to an early release version of Part Two of this discussion, “Fire Dragons and Jackalopes” on our Patreon.

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S9 E16: Restoring The Heart of The Artist (Season Finale)

In this season finale episode, Stephen Roach shares on how the past two years have impacted artists personally, socially and creatively. Drawing from his own journey of faith and art, Stephen tells how spiritual practice, community and imagination have played a significant role in re-integrating fragmented parts of himself into a deeper, lasting wholeness.

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S9 E05: Round Table Part Three: Mental Health and The Artist

In this third and final segment of The Artist Round Table on Mental Health, Stephen, John Mark and Vesper talk about neo-monasticism, the worship of youth culture, art as a means of therapy, and making sense of the darker parts of our existence with Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama.

Questions discussed in this episode include:

What is true success?

What is true connection?

Should we share every work of art we make?

What if the Poet who has been healed?

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S9 E04: Round Table Part Two: Mental Health and the Artist

In this segment of our 3 part conversation on mental health and the artist, my discussion with singer/songwriter John Mark McMillan and author/illustrator Vesper Stamper takes us to topics of art and identity, genius and madness and the dangers of isolation.

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S8 E14: On Significance & Contribution with Stephen Roach

We may not care to be famous or even desire to make art as a full time vocation, but we each carry a need for our work to matter. We want to know that what means something to us may also mean something to others or that what we give our time, attention and resources to may serve to beautify or to better the lives of those around us.

In this episode, I discuss what it means to make a significant contribution through our creative work. I invite the listener to reframe the narratives we believe about ourselves and our art.

What if our art isn’t about us? What if we learned to care less about what we have to lose and more about what we have to give?

In my work as a creative coach, I’ve encountered many artists who trip over concerns about self-promotion or what others may think about their intentions. But what if rather than being concerned over self-promotion or of having selfish motivations, we were more concerned over the loss of not offering the world our creative gifts?

This episode explores these concerns and offers a new way of seeing our relationship to our art.


Photo Credit: Enowen Photography

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S8 E05: Disenchantment & The Reemergence of Wonder with Stephen Roach

In this live, keynote talk, Makers & Mystics host, Stephen Roach shares with The Well Collab in Frederick, Maryland. This talk discusses what sociologist, Max Weber coined as “disenchantment” and the human need for reverence.

What does it mean to sit with the mystery and what is the artist’s role in bringing “re-enchantment” to a world devoid of ecstatic experience? Listen to this keynote for insights into these questions.

Here is a link to the episode referenced in the talk on The Metaphysics of Dirt & Breath.

Photo By: Ruthie Lucas

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S7 E04: The Artist As Protest Against Despair with Stephen Roach

Social distancing can feel a bit destabilizing. All of our habits and routines and normal ways of functioning are suspended and we have to adopt new daily rhythms, ways of doing life and finding work. For the artist, this can lead to questions about the validity of our work and where art-making and creativity belong in a time of global crisis. But it is vital for our own mental and emotional health that we are formed by a clear narrative and see the true place of art as a needed response.

Making art during times of crisis positions the artist to become a protest against despair. The artist pushes against losing our identity and our humanity in the face of war, disease or whatever opposition stands against living an unimpeded, beautiful life.

In this episode, Stephen shares about the role of perception, the mischief of God, and the need for art in our current climate of isolation and uncertainty.

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S4 E15: Season Finale! The Missing Connection Between Faith & Art

This episode is an Official Highjack!! StoryBrand Guide, Luke Humbrecht turns the mic around and interviews our host, Stephen Roach. In this season finale episode Luke and Stephen discuss why the conversation of faith and art is important for our cultural moment and how you can be involved in the discussions. Stephen shares from history and personal stories on what compels him to host these conversations.

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The Breath & the Clay 2019

The Breath & the Clay is a creative arts gathering hosted by Stephen Roach of the Makers & Mystics Podcast. This weekend event explores the intersections of art, faith & culture in a communal setting.

The event includes performances, a curated art gallery and keynote talks from various creative voices from the Makers & Mystics podcast.

Join us March 22-24th 2019 in Winston-Salem, NC for a weekend connecting with other artists from around the world on this journey of art and faith.

Tickets and details here.

***Early Bird Prices until December 31st***

***Student Discounts and Group Rates Available.***

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S 3 E9: On The Relationship Between Art & Faith with Stephen Roach

In October of 2017, Stephen Roach joined United Pursuit for their Reunion Retreat held on Johnny Cash's land in Nashville, Tennessee. As part of the event, Stephen shared two keynote talks on the interface between creativity and spirituality.

This episode features excerpts from Stephen's talk On The Relationship Between Faith and Art and encourages artists to pursue their creativity without tired, religious constrictions.

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