Posts tagged writer
S12 E02: A Social Imaginary with Karen Swallow Prior

What role does the imagination play in shaping the identity of a culture? 

Our collective imagination provides metaphors, stories and symbols that bind people groups together and create a common understanding of the world. 

But what happens when those metaphors no longer carry the same meanings? Or even worse, when those stories and metaphors no longer create unity but bring division and harm? 

Professor and writer Karen Swallow Prior addresses these concerns in her book The Evangelical Imagination

She tells us, contemporary American evangelicalism is suffering from an identity crisis - and a lot of bad press. 

In this episode, Karen discusses what Charles Taylor called ‘A social imaginary’ and how artists and creatives can respond to the evangelical crisis of identity and bring healing to our cultural fractures. 


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S10 E11: The Winding Path To Meaning with Josh Nadeau

Josh Nadeau is a print maker, writer and clothing designer living in Western Canada.

His Instagram account, Sword and Pencil, features a library of images and musings about goodness, truth and beauty.

His work, both in word and in image, aims to offer solutions to disenchantment and acts as an antidote to Christian culture’s rampant mediocrity.

In this episode, Stephen talks with Josh about the role of suffering in spiritual and creative development, the winding path to meaning and the need to cultivate virtue in our everyday lives.

* Patrons of the podcast can enjoy an additional interview segment with Josh on Waiting Well & The Temptation of Idolatry.

Music in this episode is provided by Sean Williams.

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