This is an excerpt from a larger work on discovering our authentic voice. In this keynote, Stephen discusses the spiritual dimensions of our concepts of originality, imitation and comparison. This episode is a short primer on the paradox of the Christian notion of originality.
Read MoreIn this keynote, Stephen Roach gives the foundational heart and philosophy behind what has since grown into The Breath & The Clay creative arts movement. Drawing from the Creation narratives in Genesis 1 & 2, Stephen shows that creativity is the birthright of human beings and is essential to experience the fullness of life.
Read MoreIn this keynote message, Stephen Roach shares on the relationship between hope and the imagination as seen through the lens of four historical stories. What first appears as tragedy and failure leads to the greatest source of hope and unexpected discovery.
Read MoreRay Hughes is a poet, storyteller, author and dreamer of dreams. His keynote on Accessing Limitless Creativity encourages artists to connect to the heart and source of all creativity. You can find out more about Ray's adventures at
Read More"Strange as it may seem, beauty still needs to be defended. In the history of the West, beauty has played the role of Cinderella to her sisters, goodness and truth." In this talk, author Gregory Wolfe dignifies the role of beauty as an agent for expressing truth.
Read MoreThe stories of our lives become the roadmaps for those coming along behind us.
"If you viewed your life as a story, what might you choose to do differently?" In this talk, Stephen Roach shares how we can overcome discouragement and disappointment to walk more fully in the storyline we want our lives to tell.
Author Emily P. Freeman discusses how we can overcome fear and find the courage to cultivate creativity in our everyday experiences. Recorded Live at The Breath & the Clay creative arts gathering. Catch up with emily at:
Read MoreAuthor Troy Bronsink discusses the elements of God's creative process live at The Breath & the Clay creative arts gathering. You can learn more about Troy
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