S11 Bonus: Artist's Round Table P2: Longing & Survival

This is Part 2 of our Roundtable discussion on Art & The Urge For Transcendence, featuring cultural theologian, author, and fellow podcaster Paul Anleitner (Deep Talks Podcast,) Chicago pastor, Ted Kim and singer/songwriter John Mark McMillan.

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S11 E03: Artist's Roundtable P1: Longing & Survival

This Roundtable discussion on Art & The Urge For Transcendence, features cultural theologian, author, and fellow podcaster Paul Anleitner (Deep Talks Podcast,) Chicago pastor, Ted Kim and singer/songwriter John Mark McMillan.  

In this loose discussion, the conversation meanders its way to the subject of longing and survival and how these sometimes competing drives can lead us to the doorway of transcendence. 

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S11 E02: Embodiment & Transformation with Actor Wynn Everett

Wynn Everett is an American actor based in Atlanta Georgia. She has acted in films such as Justin Timberlake’s Palmer, HBO’s Doom Patrol, Marvel’s Agent Carter as well as familiar Television shows - Modern Family, The Walking Dead and will appear in the upcoming season of Sweet Magnolia’s.

In this episode, Wynn and Stephen discuss the contrast between performing and transforming, discovering transcendence within the ordinary and what it is like for an actor to take on the emotions and characteristics of another.

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S11 E01: Strong Like Water with Aundi Kolber

Aundi Kolber is a licensed professional counselor and author of the critically acclaimed Try Softer. She has received additional training in her specialization of trauma- and body-centered therapies and is passionate about the integration of faith and psychology. As a survivor of trauma, Aundi brings hard-won knowledge about the work of change, the power of redemption, and the beauty of experiencing God with us in our pain.

In this episode Stephen Roach talks with Aundi about her latest book Strong Like Water and how we can move through pain into the expansiveness of our true selves. Aundi shares about the importance of feeling safe in our bodies that we might experience those deeper yearnings for transcendence, beauty, and wonder.

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Season 11 Trailer: Art & The Urge For Transcendence

The human heart is designed to be astonished. We carry within us, an innate yearning for wonder, for awe, for reverence.  This deep-rooted urge to reach beyond ourselves, to be immersed in that which is greater than our own limitation, greater than our own materiality is where the spiritual and the creative impulses overlap.

What does it mean to carry within us, such deep longings for something beyond ourselves and how can the arts act as both a catalyst and the overflow of these yearnings?

I invite you to follow along over these next few months as we hear from artists, musicians, therapists, and theologians. We’re going to take a deep dive into this subject. Be sure to subscribe to the podcast and get ready to gain a deeper understanding on how art and the urge for transcendence can transform your own creative work.



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Bonus: Poetry Reading with Jeri Jones Sparks - Bright Wings Contest Winner

Jeri Jones Sparks is a Tamil Indian-Australian poet and writer living on Wangal Country.

She is the winner of the third annual Bright Wings Poetry Contest hosted in partnership with Ekstasis Magazine.

She works as the Outreach Pastor at St James Anglican Church in the Inner West of Sydney.

In this bonus episode, Jeri shares her winning poem, January Born.

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Artist Profile Series 36: Ernest Shackleton

Ernest Shackleton was an Anglo-Irish, polar explorer born February 15th 1874 and died on January 5th, 1922. Although Shackleton is arguably neither artist nor mystic, the key events of his life carry both a beautiful tale of artistic level devotion and deep mystical encounter.

In this artist profile, host Stephen Roach details a mystical encounter that transpired in Shackleton's life during his most horrific struggle to survive in the famous arctic shipwreck of the Endurance.

Patrons of the podcast can download a written transcript of this episode along with a Patron-Only segment called, "The Shadow Side of Our Heroes."

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Sponsored by Brightbell Creative: Designing Meaningful Marketing for The Creative Artist.

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Bonus Interview: Half-Handed Cloud

John Ringhofer, the man behind Half-handed Cloud, is as joyful and frugal as his music. An economical thinker, Ringhofer prefers the subway over a taxicab, is a recycler of plastic, a compulsive note-taker, and a habitual optimist. Half-handed Cloud started as a home-recording project in Chattanooga, TN in 1999. Ringhofer was later based in the California Bay area for over a decade (where he worked as a part-time custodian) before moving with his young family to Helsinki, Finland in 2015 for his wife’s linguistics research. Half-handed Cloud is able to ensconce complicated theological concepts into catchy and sublime playground songs that refuse to condescend to its subject or its listener. He has collaborated with artists Sufjan Stevens, Daniel Smith of the Danielson Family and is currently an Asthmatic Kitty recording Artist.

In this bonus episode, Stephen talks with John about the creative process of his latest album, Flutterama as well as the mischief of Jesus, satire and how environment shapes the art we make.

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January Book Club: Yes To Life by Victor Frankl

Our January #bookclub features a 4-week discussion on Victor Frankl’s book, 𝙔𝙚𝙨 𝙏𝙤 𝙇𝙞𝙛𝙚 𝙄𝙣 𝙎𝙥𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙀𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜. ⁣

If you aren’t familiar with Frankl’s life or his writings, I highly recommend you participate with us. You won’t walk away unchanged! ⁣

If anyone has the authority and experience to speak on finding hope and greater meaning in the midst of adversity, it is neurologist, psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor Victor Frankl. ⁣

His work has impacted millions of people and we are going to start off the year diving into his book 𝙔𝙚𝙨 𝙏𝙤 𝙇𝙞𝙛𝙚 𝙄𝙣 𝙎𝙥𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙀𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜. ⁣

Book Club starts next Wednesday January 11th at 8 pm Eastern time. You can join in from this link. (available to all Maker tier patrons; like 2 cups of coffee to join in.)

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S10 E15: Restoring The Future (Season Finale)

When we think about restoration, we typically refer to restoring something that once was but no longer is. We mean bringing something back to its original condition that was either altered or strayed from the intended design. But restoration doesn’t necessarily mean going back to something that once was. We can ‘restore the future’ as well.

In this season finale episode, Makers and Mystics host, Stephen Roach discusses what it means to restore the future, what it means for artists to become wounded healers, bridge builders and those who re-story the narratives of our lives to reflect original design.

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S10 Bonus: A Brief Word on Patronage

Patronage has long been a vital part of enabling artists to create their work.  I think of historical examples like  Lorenzo de’ Medici who funded artists as Leonardo da Vinci, Sandro Botticelli and Michelangelo. I think of Peggy Guggenheim whose patronage gave us Jackson Pollock and Mark Rothko. 

In this brief bonus episode, I share with you how you can help Makers & Mystics continue our work of fostering conversations on art, faith and culture.

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S10 E14: On Duality & Union with Arthur Aghajanian

Arthur Aghajanian is a Christian contemplative, essayist, and educator. His work explores visual culture through a spiritual lens. His essays have appeared in a variety of publications, including Ekstasis, Radix, Saint Austin Review, The Curator, and many others. He holds an M.F.A. from Otis College of Art and Design.

In this episode, I talk with Arthur about his spiritual background, the nature of non-dualistic thinking and the concept of art set free from the ego.

If you’ve followed the podcast this season, you’ll recall that woven throughout our conversations has been the underlying theme of restoration for the heart of the artist. As we approach the final episodes of this discussion, I wanted to revisit our theme in a more direct way. So I asked Arthur to speak into each thread of restoration, wounded healers, existing in the splice and re-storying the narratives we believe.

Your support of the podcast enables us to continue producing these vital conversations on art, faith and culture. Please consider joining today and lend your support to this work.

Music Provided by: Some Were At Sea

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Bright Wings 2022 Contest Winner

We’re excited to announce the winner of our third annual Bright Wings poetry contest in partnership with Ekstasis Magazine!

The submissions this year were incredible. This made the process for our judges challenging but nonetheless, we chose our winners. You can see the winning post announcement here.

On behalf of Makers & Mystics and Ekstasis Magazine, I want to say thank you to every poet who entered the contest. Your work is important. We believe in you and we want to encourage you to never give up on your work.

What’s Next?

We will be recording our episode with the winners of the podcast which will air in January.

Be sure to follow us on Instagram and sign our email list for updates and opportunities.

Thanks again everyone!

Stephen Roach

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Stephen Roach
S10 E13: Learning To Be with Juanita Rasmus

Juanita Campbell Rasmus is a speaker, writer, spiritual director, and contemplative teacher. She is the co-pastor of St. John’s United Methodist Church in downtown Houston which she founded with her husband, Rudy in 1992.

In this episode, Juanita shares with me how a major depressive episode became the catalyst for personal renewal. Following our season ten theme of restoration for the heart of the artist, Juanita’s story and her accompanying book Learning To Be: Finding Your Center After The Bottom Falls Out offers a glimpse of hope for the artist to find renewal no matter how dark the night.

Patrons of the podcast can enjoy an additional interview segment with Juanita on the key spiritual practices that helped her return to her center and discover new ways of being.   

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S10 E12.5: Artist's Roundtable P2: Re-Creation of Meaning (Fire Dragon Edition)

This episode is Part 2 of the Re-Creation of Meaning Roundtable (The Fire Dragon Edition) featuring John Mark McMillan, Stephen Roach, Vesper Stamper and Brandon Willett.

In this part of the discussion, we talk through:

- self absorption vs. self awareness

- the role of the audience in the artist's creative process.

- meekness and confidence

- Fire Dragons and Jackalopes

- How the intimate reflects the infinite

This Roundtable is the world's first podcast ever to discuss Taylor Swift, Radiohead, Beck, Nick Cave, Miley Cyrus, Madonna, Lady Gaga, Justin Vernon, Jay Z, Kanye, Rick Rubin, Adele, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Johnny Cash, Slayer, James Taylor, Andy Warhol, Robert Rauschenberg, Fire Dragons, Comic Books, David Brooks... All in one episode. Enjoy..

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S10 E12: Artist's Round Table P1: Re-Creation of Meaning

What does Kendrick Lamar, Taylor Swift, Radiohead, Beck, Nick Cave, Miley Cyrus, Madonna, Lady Gaga, Andy Warhol and Mark Rothko have to do with singer/songwriter, John Mark McMillan, art-instigator, Stephen Roach, author/illustrator, Vesper Stamper & visual artist/designer, Brandon Willett? You’ll find out in this Artist’s Round Table.

My guests and I discuss the “Re-creation of Meaning” and what it is like for the artist as he/she gets older, experiences change and seeks to re-invent themselves.

Such re-invention is a vital part of restoring the heart of the artist. Listen in to Part One of this Roundtable discussion and learn why.

*Patrons of the podcast can listen to an early release version of Part Two of this discussion, “Fire Dragons and Jackalopes” on our Patreon.

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S10 E11: The Winding Path To Meaning with Josh Nadeau

Josh Nadeau is a print maker, writer and clothing designer living in Western Canada.

His Instagram account, Sword and Pencil, features a library of images and musings about goodness, truth and beauty.

His work, both in word and in image, aims to offer solutions to disenchantment and acts as an antidote to Christian culture’s rampant mediocrity.

In this episode, Stephen talks with Josh about the role of suffering in spiritual and creative development, the winding path to meaning and the need to cultivate virtue in our everyday lives.

* Patrons of the podcast can enjoy an additional interview segment with Josh on Waiting Well & The Temptation of Idolatry.

Music in this episode is provided by Sean Williams.

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S10 E10: Physical Poetry with Erika Lemay

Canadian-born Erika Lemay has become a beautifully disruptive icon in the world of live performance, using her body in ways that defy both gravity and human possibilities. Her journey has taken her from her first ballet class at the age of four to worldwide success and accolades.

As the creator of Physical Poetry, Erika believes that ‘Poetry doesn’t have to be expressed with words’. Her TV performances have been seen by more than 400 million viewers worldwide, and her talent has been featured in international media, including Vanity Fair, Glamour Magazine, Hello Magazine, Le Figaro and La Repubblica. She has performed extensively as a soloist guest star with Cirque du Soleil whilst developing the unique artistic language for which she is famous today.

In this episode, Stephen talks with Erika about the importance of discipline, developing a moral compass, dealing with the imposter syndrome and stories from her book Almost Perfect: The Life Guide To Creating Your Success Story Through Passion and Fearlessness.

*Patrons of the podcast can enjoy an additional interview segment with Erika including her thoughts on how to handle the down times after a heightened creative experience.

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S10 BONUS: Making Room In Advent with Bette Dickinson

Bette Dickinson is a visual artist, writer, and speaker who invites audiences to connect with God through visual parables of the spiritual journey. Through creative communication, she helps her audience awaken to the beauty of God and His Kingdom and see more clearly the eternal realm in the heart and in the world. Through her work, Dickinson helps her audience connect the inner life of spiritual formation with the outer life of mission.

Bette earned her Masters of Divinity with an emphasis in Pastoral Studies, is ordained in the Reformed Church in America, and serves with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship in Spiritual Formation.

In this special bonus episode, Bette shares about her new book, Making Rood in Advent: 25 Devotions for a Season of Wonder (IVP, 2022).

Bette will be hosting an online “Visio Divina” with the Makers & Mystics collective on Sunday, November 27th at 8 pm EST. Register to attend here.

Music in this episode is provided by: Caroline Cobb.

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S10 E09: Subjects in Motion with Young Oceans

YOUNG OCEANS is a neo-alternative worship project that evolved from a gathering of musicians, re-imagining hymns in a New York City apartment.

Untethered from the expectations of a traditional congregational format, these artful re-renderings gave birth to a sound that is at once familiar and refreshingly innovative. The musical ethos of Young Oceans emerged as more a companion to reflective prayer and meditation than to a typical church experience.

In this episode, Stephen Roach talks with Young Oceans founder and songwriter, Eric Marshall about his latest project, Subjects In Motion. This full-length album features an all-star line up of artists such as Amanda Cook, Josh Garrels, Molly Pardon, Liz Vice, John Mark Pantana and many others, each singing new versions of previously released Young Ocean Songs.

*Patrons of the podcast can enjoy further discussions with Young Oceans on motivations in art making, radical individualism and collaboration.

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S10 BONUS: The Welcome Wagon

The Welcome Wagon is a musical duo comprised of married couple, Vito and Monique Aiuto. heir musical style is steeped in sacred song traditions presented with minimalist Alt-Folk sensibilities.

Their musical journey began with Asthmatic Kitty Records in 2008 with the debut album, Welcome To The Welcome Wagon produced by Sufjan Stevens.

In this bonus episode, Vito and Monique share with me about the creative process behind the making of their latest release, Esther.

*Patrons of the podcast can enjoy an additional interview segment with The Welcome Wagon on balancing art and family.

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S10 E08: Exit The Cave with Blaine Hogan

Blaine hogan is a writer, film and creative director and actor. He is the former creative director for Willow Creek Community Church and is currently a full-time filmmaker living in Atlanta, Georgia.

His recent memoir titled Exit The Cave: Embracing A Life of Courage, Creativity and Radical Imagination is a brutally honest recounting of his struggle with addiction and the unexpected gift of hitting rock bottom.

In this episode, Blaine and I talk about his background as an actor, the relationship between creativity and his journey of recovery and the ongoing process of finding wholeness.

Patrons of the podcast can enjoy additional interview segments at http://www.patreon.com/makersandmystics

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